Thursday, January 26, 2006

Seven Months Today

sev·en (sĕv'ən)
  1. The cardinal number equal to 6 + 1.
  2. The seventh in a set or sequence.
  3. How many months old Robbie is.

[Middle English, from Old English seofon.]

sev'en adj. & pron.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Second Tooth

One week after his first tooth appeared, Robbie's second tooth began to show itself.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

The Play's The Thing

After months of serving as a crib, and then as a change table, Robbie's play pen finally saw use as a play pen. (you can see the play pen serving as a crib in the post Robbie's Room; in Uncle Rob's Cuddle Time II and 6 Months Today you can see it in the background in the living room, acting as a change table)

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Gaining Weight VIII

At six and a half months Robbie weighed 14lbs and 9oz. His length was up to 26 inches.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

First Roll (half way)

After months of coaxing, particularily from Margaret, Robbie finally rolled from his back to his stomach on his own today. Surprisingly he didn't seem to mind being on his stomach so much when he got their on his own (he previously has hated it when someone else puts him there).

Monday, January 09, 2006

First Tooth

After long anticipation (Margaret thought a different tooth was going to surface months ago) Robbie's first tooth finally rose above the gums today.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Give Me Five - 6 months

Six months after the original picture here are Sean and Robbie's hands together again, plus the original picture for comparison.

Robbie in His Playcentre II

After months of just looking confused when put in his playcentre, Robbie finally started getting really involved in exploring it.